Why am I so grumpy?

Why am I so grumpy? On the face of it I have no real need to be grumpy. I have a job, a lovely girlfriend, great parents and good set of friends but the slightest thing still makes me grumpy, miserable and frustrated.

Friday 2 July 2010

A grumpy life part 1

Getting old. Christ, I'm getting old. I'm now 27 (older than my
blogger name, I know) and I find myself hating things more than before.

I'm at home now thinking about where I live, how I live and wondering how we let ourselves live like this.

Over the next couple of post I'll explain how a typical day goes, Here's the morning:

I wake up, watch terrible sickly sweet 'news' with a horribly smiley Scottish lady telling me what the weather is like. I get in the shower and feel mildly content. It's warm, I'm clean and the whole day is ahead of me. There is nothing that can hold me back.

Then I get dressed. It's wonderful. My beautiful girlfriend is there. How does she put up with me? She leaves before she questions it herself. Thank god. I don't believe in him but I'll thank him anyway.

Then off to work. I pass a woman having a Dr Pepper and a fag, a traffic warden offering misery to all and walk behind 3 smokers all issuing me with their individual piece of cancerous smoke. I've not touched on the school kids eating shite, drinking filth and bullying the nice kids...They'll never change.

I walk into the tube station. Touch in. Stand by the lift. Wait in line. People are congregating by the door. They have to get to in there first. God forbid that they have to get in near the back. The World will crumble if that happens.

We're at the height of summer and people are still taking coats down there. They're not happy, it was cloudy outside and they've come prepared for rain. They feel foolish. They are fools. But we have to suffer their elbows, their panic and their impatience as they force their way on to a crowded carriage. They're important. They matter. The train following in 2 minutes is not good enough. This is the train that matters.
The train painfully makes its way to the station and people pour off and stand in line as we rise to the surface. Bad breath, more sweat and panicked tourists ensure that the rushed start to the day continues. At last the sunlight emerges and I begin to relax. 5 minutes of solitude lay ahead. Shit, no they don't. There's a Sport magazine forced into my hand. Michael Owen is having another comeback! I can't wait...

More to come soon...

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